At what point of time do we realize that India's agriculture problems are actually everyone's problems? Even the...
At what point of time do we realize that India's agriculture problems are actually everyone's problems? Even the most oblivious are not unfamiliar with the b...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the U.S. fund foreign aid? The U.S. spends app...
In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the...
In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want. Recorded at TEDxVancouver...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day,...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day, access to healthcare remains an issue. No...
The Department of Children, Youth and Families is focused on addressing the needs of vulnerable children, youth and...
The Department of Children, Youth and Families is focused on addressing the needs of vulnerable children, youth and families, while building strong social en...
This film is about courage, commitment, and creative coping. It tells the story of Mickie McGraw, who overcame polio...
This film is about courage, commitment, and creative coping. It tells the story of Mickie McGraw, who overcame polio at age 11 to become an art therapy pione...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the physical manifestation of that order. Though there is no international consensus as to what peace and security mean, the prevailing understanding of these ideas is modeled by what peace operations do and how they do it. So what do current peace operations tell us about how the world understands peace and security? Has the recent global focus on terrorism changed what we think peace and security really means?
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