S. V. Mahadevan, “What Is Emergency Medicine and How Is It Important?” Watch, learn and connect:...
S. V. Mahadevan, “What Is Emergency Medicine and How Is It Important?” Watch, learn and connect: In the event of emerg...
What is the value of gender diversity in organizations, politics and society? To learn about the business case for...
What is the value of gender diversity in organizations, politics and society? To learn about the business case for gender equality, watch the Women and Publi...
Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen...
Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen TED Preises, überzeugende Argumente für ei...
Dean is a 1994 graduate of the University of Chicago with an AB in Economics. After being a floor based derivative...
Dean is a 1994 graduate of the University of Chicago with an AB in Economics. After being a floor based derivative market maker for a few years, he moved to ...
Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good...
Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good thing? Because it will be replaced, by "Human Social Responsibility." Hutchisson outlines why the phrase Corporate Social Responsibility is so problematic, before offering her advice to businesses of all sizes in how to identify and operate a successful program. The key? Listening and empowering the workers of the business, and listening to your community. Hutchisson ends her talk with a call to leadership -- Keep the HUMANS central.
Watch the newest VICE feature on Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin: Check Out The VICE...
Watch the newest VICE feature on Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin: Check Out The VICE Podcast with José Mujica: http://www.vice....
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide...
As individuals we attach value to places through our memories. Those memories and their associated values guide feelings about what places are worth saving. ...
Discussions about Green Economy often ignore the Social - this short 10 minute video addresses this issue. Check out...
Discussions about Green Economy often ignore the Social - this short 10 minute video addresses this issue. Check out UNRISD's Project on the Social Dimension...
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