Animal welfare | Charmaine Tham | TEDxTheRocks

Von Hector Jordan in Tierschutz 1504 Aufrufe 4th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: N/A
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Vaccination and desexing of animals such as dogs are a common pract...

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TEDxWWF - Will Day: Is the world's current economic model really sustainable?

Will Day, a thought leader in sustainability, looks at what we currently understand of global trends, particularly...
Will Day, a thought leader in sustainability, looks at what we currently understand of global trends, particularly focusing on issues like population, water ...

The future of rural India | Pradeep Kashyap | TEDxFORESchool

Why is Rural India important to us? Mr Pradeep Kashyap has a pragmatic answer Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, the father of...
Why is Rural India important to us? Mr Pradeep Kashyap has a pragmatic answer Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, the father of Rural Marketing, was born and brought up in ...

Benefit corporation: John Montgomery at TEDxHultBusinessSchoolSF

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The Wraparound Process for Youth with Complex Needs - Part 1 of 4

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Time to let go: a proposal for change in the humanitarian system

The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett,...
The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett, Research Fellow with the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute, lays out a three-point proposal for radical change to create a humanitarian system that is fit to respond to the challenges of both today and tomorrow.

Tax Havens - Investigating International Finance - Episode 1

Used by wealthy individuals and companies to shift huge sums of money around the world in secret, tax havens cost...
Used by wealthy individuals and companies to shift huge sums of money around the world in secret, tax havens cost governments and ordinary taxpayers billions...

Inspiring Gay Speeches from Celebrities

The first moments, when it starts creeping into your mind that you MIGHT be gay, are awful, even more so if you...
The first moments, when it starts creeping into your mind that you MIGHT be gay, are awful, even more so if you don't know anyone that is openly gay to comfo...

Science vs God: Bryan Enderle at TEDxUCDavis

Bryan Enderle grew up in Modesto, CA though he now lives in Davis, CA with his wife, Peggy, and son, Isaac. Bryan...
Bryan Enderle grew up in Modesto, CA though he now lives in Davis, CA with his wife, Peggy, and son, Isaac. Bryan received two BS degrees, in Chemical and Pe...

Basics of Indian Economy

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