Disability awareness is an important part of establishing real inclusion for people with disabilities. It is the first step in overcoming any concerns, attitudes or stereotypes that you may have interacting with people who have a disability. It...
Disability awareness is an important part of establishing real inclusion for people with disabilities. It is the first step in overcoming any concerns, attitudes or stereotypes that you may have interacting with people who have a disability. It only stands to reason the more informed you are the less likely it is that you will feel uncomfortable about how to communicate and interact with someone with a disability at work or in your community. Misconceptions about people with disability are... Read More ➝
The Feldenkrais Method is a type of exercise therapy devised by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904–1984). The method is claimed to reorganize connections between the brain and body and so improve body movement and psychological state.
There is no good...
The Feldenkrais Method is a type of exercise therapy devised by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904–1984). The method is claimed to reorganize connections between the brain and body and so improve body movement and psychological state.
There is no good medical evidence that the Feldenkrais method confers any health benefits, and it is not known if it is safe or cost-effective,[ even though it is hard to conceive of serious risks.
Awareness is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of being conscious of something.
Awareness is a relative concept. Awareness may be focused on an internal state, such as...
Awareness is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of being conscious of something.
Awareness is a relative concept. Awareness may be focused on an internal state, such as a visceral feeling, or on external events by way of sensory perception. Insects do not have consciousness in the usual sense because they lack the brain capacity for thought and understanding
Kalyani Khona talks about how the notion that, people with a disability should only date or marry people with disabilities, which in turn leads to social exc...
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Professor of leadership, diplomacy, and negotiation, Valon talks on the importance of self- awareness through sharing his multidisciplinary education and int...
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Disability discrimination downloads: http://bit.ly/1KRr8vd If we’re not used to dealing with disabled people, we may feel awkward when we come across someone...
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