• Martin Evans added a new RSS-Feed in the group Biological impacts of climate change
      European Commission
    EUROPA - Research What's New in Health and life sciences - Biotechnology . This RSS feed includes the most recent updates to the European Commission's Research and Innovation web site on Europa in the area of Health and life sciences - Biotechnology . The last (or, in some news readers, the first) item of this feed will take you to the EU-US...
    EUROPA - Research What's New in Health and life sciences - Biotechnology . This RSS feed includes the most recent updates to the European Commission's Research and Innovation web site on Europa in the area of Health and life sciences - Biotechnology . The last (or, in some news readers, the first) item of this feed will take you to the EU-US Task Force on Biotechnology Research web site. For more RSS news feeds visit http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=rss
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