Stella Young ist Komikerin und Journalistin; sie verbringt den Tag zufällig im Rollstuhl. Diese Tatsache, das möchte sie deutlich sagen, macht sie nicht auto... Anil Seth is a Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the... Anil Seth is a Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex. He is Co-Director (wi...
Gísli gives us insight into the reality of the humanitarian aid worker, which is often enveloped in an aura of...
Gísli gives us insight into the reality of the humanitarian aid worker, which is often enveloped in an aura of nobility.
Gísli Rafn Ólafsson officially became a disaster geek over a decade ago, when he joined his two passions in life, information technology and disaster response. Today he helps responders get access to the internet in the most challenging locations of all, disaster zones. When not traveling the world responding to disasters, he enjoys spending time with his wife, five kids, and grandson.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Your brain may never be the same! Watch our Q&A: Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O....
Your brain may never be the same! Watch our Q&A: Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6 Subs...
Watch as we profile several organizations and individuals working in East Africa to bring nutritious local foods to...
Watch as we profile several organizations and individuals working in East Africa to bring nutritious local foods to their communities. These stories are snap...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos addressing common concerns about memory loss...
Wenn Sie 50 Mrd. Dollar zur Verfügung hätten, welches Problem würden Sie zuerst lösen, AIDS oder die Erderwärmung?...
Wenn Sie 50 Mrd. Dollar zur Verfügung hätten, welches Problem würden Sie zuerst lösen, AIDS oder die Erderwärmung? Der dänische Politikwissenschaftler Bjorn ...
What is missing from current sex education, besides correct medical information, current scientific data, and...
What is missing from current sex education, besides correct medical information, current scientific data, and misleading and religious talk? Pleasure! Talkin...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Many people are aware that...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Many people are aware that their food choices have real-world conse...
My channel has mostly concentrated on helping people with their health and well being. But this video is about a...
My channel has mostly concentrated on helping people with their health and well being. But this video is about a homeless man that my band members and I alwa...