"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful...
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to ...
Educated at Oxford and MIT, Dr. Kathleen Troia McFarland is a Fox News analyst who served as a deputy secretary of...
Educated at Oxford and MIT, Dr. Kathleen Troia McFarland is a Fox News analyst who served as a deputy secretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan, a r...
Der renommierte Klimaforscher James Hansen berichtet, wie er in die Wissenschaft zum und die Debatte über den...
Der renommierte Klimaforscher James Hansen berichtet, wie er in die Wissenschaft zum und die Debatte über den Klimawandel involviert wurde. Er erklärt dabei ...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for getting critical life-saving information to the people. Those affected seek help on social media while many others connect in virtual space to organise relief and take it to the right place. Twitter India’s Public Policy Head Mahima Kaul tells New Delhi blog how these virtual communities are playing a significant role
Religion is in decline across the Western world. Whether measured by belonging, believing, participation in...
Religion is in decline across the Western world. Whether measured by belonging, believing, participation in services, or how important it is felt to be, reli...
Jeden Tag treffen wir Entscheidungen, die gute oder schlechte Konsequenzen für unser zukünftiges Selbst haben. (Kann...
Jeden Tag treffen wir Entscheidungen, die gute oder schlechte Konsequenzen für unser zukünftiges Selbst haben. (Kann ich die Zahnseide dieses eine Mal weglas...
The Tax Policy and Administration Topical Trust Fund supported the increased demand for technical assistance from...
The Tax Policy and Administration Topical Trust Fund supported the increased demand for technical assistance from low- and lower middle-income countries in t...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution to feed the globe’s growing population. Bu...