This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily...
This film reveals the brutal reality of life on the streets and in the slums of Mumbai, following the daily struggles of four young children to survive. Want...
Mbarara Sports Academy-MSA is a community focused initiative that uses sports to increase the number of young people...
Mbarara Sports Academy-MSA is a community focused initiative that uses sports to increase the number of young people going to school in the urban and local c...
TEN FOLD introduces a totally mobile, modular, multipurpose and self-deploying space capable of rapid expansion,...
TEN FOLD introduces a totally mobile, modular, multipurpose and self-deploying space capable of rapid expansion, easy relocation, and the ability to self sus...
Yeah We Did One! #everysecondcounts MEHR AUF FB UNTER: MEHR AUF TWITTER:...
Yeah We Did One! #everysecondcounts MEHR AUF FB UNTER: MEHR AUF TWITTER: Thanks to BEN...
There are 168 hours in each week. How do we find time for what matters most? Time management expert Laura Vanderkam...
There are 168 hours in each week. How do we find time for what matters most? Time management expert Laura Vanderkam studies how busy people spend their lives...
Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities, and the public are critical to reducing...
Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities, and the public are critical to reducing injuries and saving lives during chemical em...
Bruce Crowther talks about how he inspired by looking at the past to the slave trade as he works to promote the...
Bruce Crowther talks about how he inspired by looking at the past to the slave trade as he works to promote the fairtrade. Bruce, included in the former UK P...