Kurds Declare Autonomous Region: Self-Determination Or Foreign Mischief?

By Samantha Ross in Refugees & Settlements 1578 views 10th October 2016 Video Duration: 00:16:06
The surprise declaration by Syria's Kurds of an autonomous region inside Syria has added a surprising new complication to the hopes for a political settlemen...

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Who Controls the Money Controls the World

All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed. Sources are documented at http://thrivemovement.com...
All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed. Sources are documented at http://thrivemovement.com History will repeat itself as long as these ba...

The power of publishing platforms: Andrew Losowsky at TEDxAtlanta

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Cause and Effect: How the Media You Consume Can Change Your Life

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Education is key to Human Development: OFID and UNESCO

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China: Hyping a Green Economy

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Human Rights: an endless battle (Documentary of 2009 on the debates at the U.N.)

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Jake Wood: A new mission for veterans -- disaster relief

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Veteran Can't Pay or Afford Food in San Antonio, Texas | What Would You Do? | WWYD

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