Experiences of Immigrant and Refugee Children in Settlement Programming

By Samantha Ross in Refugees & Settlements 1384 views 16th January 2018 Video Duration: 00:13:43
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How social media is affecting teens

How are teens being affected by social media? Research suggests the impact is an emotional one.

Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark at TEDxCambridge 2014

As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That makes his answer to complicated questions like...
As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That makes his answer to complicated questions like "What is consciousness?" simple: It's just...

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

An Apology Letter to Future Generations. To DIRECTLY Fight the Destruction and Stand For Trees go to:...
An Apology Letter to Future Generations. To DIRECTLY Fight the Destruction and Stand For Trees go to: https://standfortrees.org/en/ Join My Motivational List...

Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen

Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of...
Lauren is an Environmental Studies graduate from NYU and former Sustainability Manager at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and the amount of t...

South Sudan: Children Paying the Heaviest Price

► The conflict in South Sudan has hit children the hardest. ► Across this young country, they are facing hunger,...
► The conflict in South Sudan has hit children the hardest. ► Across this young country, they are facing hunger, disease, violence and displacement. ►In part...

Cultural heritage: a basic human need - Sada Mire at TEDxEuston

http://www.tedxeuston.com Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in...
http://www.tedxeuston.com Sada Mire is a Somalian archaeologist. She lived the first fifteen years of her life in Mogadishu, until 1991, when she settled in ...

The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained | Joseph Kim

Ein Flüchtling, der jetzt in den USA lebt: Joseph Kim erzählt die Geschichte seines Lebens in Nordkorea während den...
Ein Flüchtling, der jetzt in den USA lebt: Joseph Kim erzählt die Geschichte seines Lebens in Nordkorea während den Jahren der Hungersnot. Er hat begonnen, s...

The Science in Our Food | Dr. Jim Carrington | TEDxGatewayArch

Jim speaks on the benefits science has allowed for in the advancements in growing food. He suggests that global...
Jim speaks on the benefits science has allowed for in the advancements in growing food. He suggests that global changes will create a need for us to leave ro...

The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians

The most persecuted and victimized people in the world today are Christians in the Middle East. The perpetrators of...
The most persecuted and victimized people in the world today are Christians in the Middle East. The perpetrators of the widespread destruction of that region...
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