Lucian is a passionate entrepreneur determined to create meaningful connections between the political world and...
Lucian is a passionate entrepreneur determined to create meaningful connections between the political world and citizens. Where others see lies and false pro...
As a gay couple in San Francisco, Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols had a relatively easy time living the way they wanted....
As a gay couple in San Francisco, Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols had a relatively easy time living the way they wanted. But outside the bubble of the Bay Area, ...
What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for...
What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight), that the boy's parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in America's schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this.
David Kobia from Ushahidi gives an Ignite Talk at the first International Conference on Crisis Mapping (ICCM 2009)....
David Kobia from Ushahidi gives an Ignite Talk at the first International Conference on Crisis Mapping (ICCM 2009). More information at:
Researchers at The Ohio State presented their fascinating research on the scope, purpose and key findings of the...
Researchers at The Ohio State presented their fascinating research on the scope, purpose and key findings of the issue. ASEE TV interviewed the Lead Presente... Megan Miller is founder of Bitty, a San Francisco-based food startup... Megan Miller is founder of Bitty, a San Francisco-based food startup that uses high-protein cricket flour as t...
I put together this video about my medical mission trip with International Medical Relief to the Amazon rain forest...
I put together this video about my medical mission trip with International Medical Relief to the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. It was another incredible trip!