The Global Gender Parity Group is a multistakeholder community of highly influential and... The Global Gender Parity Group is a multistakeholder community of highly influential and committed leaders -- 50% women and 50% men -...
Some reform groups believe the justice system should treat young adult offenders differently. Could a project in...
Some reform groups believe the justice system should treat young adult offenders differently. Could a project in south London lead the way in terms of their ...
Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen...
Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen TED Preises, überzeugende Argumente für ei...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world has prompted a need for alternatives. As it...
Today, Europe is facing a mass influx of refugees, just as it did when Alexander Betts began working on this topics,...
Today, Europe is facing a mass influx of refugees, just as it did when Alexander Betts began working on this topics, 16 years ago. Politicians and the intern...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world falling just behind japan. The economy of Germany is so interesting not just because of its size though but more because of it’s tenuous and surprisingly short history.
BBC Debate: Has Human Rights Law achieved more for Humanity than Religion [The Big Questions] 10th May 2015 Shami...
BBC Debate: Has Human Rights Law achieved more for Humanity than Religion [The Big Questions] 10th May 2015 Shami Chakrabarti (Liberty) Peter Tatchell (LGBT ...
Communication gets easier, cheaper and comfortable year by year. Everything is one click away from us. But these all...
Communication gets easier, cheaper and comfortable year by year. Everything is one click away from us. But these all throwing us away from the real world. Th...