Bruce Schneier is an internationally-renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," he is best known as a refres...
This program, “Transcending the Institutions We Inherit and Create: Climate Change and System Change in the...
This program, “Transcending the Institutions We Inherit and Create: Climate Change and System Change in the Anthropocene,” was recorded on 11 September 2016....
Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and...
Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and even violence. Some of the worst atrociti...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this moving talk, Joel...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this moving talk, Joel will have you thinking differently about ...
Facing the throwaway comment that “you can’t be black and queer”, Suriya Aisha, creator of social support network...
Facing the throwaway comment that “you can’t be black and queer”, Suriya Aisha, creator of social support network UNMUTED, saw nobody visibly living in the i...
Thanks for watching Israel Agriculture Technology Subscribe to watch more: Greenhouse...
Thanks for watching Israel Agriculture Technology Subscribe to watch more: Greenhouse commercial Nature - Agritech in Future Fresh Farm...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drex...
The Education and Social Justice Project is part of the Doyle Engaging Difference Pogram. For more information,...
The Education and Social Justice Project is part of the Doyle Engaging Difference Pogram. For more information, please visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka answers this important question in his TEDxUNO ...