Andreas has loved animals and nature since his early childhood, which he spent near the lowland forests, surrounded by farm animals and pets. But the zoos… h...
Wenn Sie 50 Mrd. Dollar zur Verfügung hätten, welches Problem würden Sie zuerst lösen, AIDS oder die Erderwärmung?...
Wenn Sie 50 Mrd. Dollar zur Verfügung hätten, welches Problem würden Sie zuerst lösen, AIDS oder die Erderwärmung? Der dänische Politikwissenschaftler Bjorn ...
Sigrid Kaag is the highest UN ambassador in Lebanon. She speaks about the relevance of international organizations...
Sigrid Kaag is the highest UN ambassador in Lebanon. She speaks about the relevance of international organizations as the United Nations, for stability in th...
As a gay couple in San Francisco, Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols had a relatively easy time living the way they wanted....
As a gay couple in San Francisco, Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols had a relatively easy time living the way they wanted. But outside the bubble of the Bay Area, ...
Watch this amazing talk by Kim Bevill as she explains how getting kids moving helps their ability to think, process,...
Watch this amazing talk by Kim Bevill as she explains how getting kids moving helps their ability to think, process, and focus; that if we get kids physicall...
Alaa Murabit's family moved from Canada to Libya when she was 15. Before, she’d felt equal to her brothers, but in...
Alaa Murabit's family moved from Canada to Libya when she was 15. Before, she’d felt equal to her brothers, but in this new environment she sensed big prohib...
This is the edited version of The Mathematics of Weight Loss presented by Ruben Meerman. In the spirit of ideas...
This is the edited version of The Mathematics of Weight Loss presented by Ruben Meerman. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, ...
A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of...
A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Available in English, Ge...
The Department of Children, Youth and Families is focused on addressing the needs of vulnerable children, youth and...
The Department of Children, Youth and Families is focused on addressing the needs of vulnerable children, youth and families, while building strong social en...