In April 2015 Kirsty Cockburn found herself in the middle of one of the most devastating natural disasters of recent...
In April 2015 Kirsty Cockburn found herself in the middle of one of the most devastating natural disasters of recent times, when the ground shook beneath her...
This is a video I made about me, my life and living with my disability. I made this video because I wanted to show...
This is a video I made about me, my life and living with my disability. I made this video because I wanted to show people with disabilities that they are not...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Simone Reyes shares with...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Simone Reyes shares with passion her combat for animal rights and e...
As Syria’s civil war has raged over the past four years, more than a million refugees have fled into neighboring...
As Syria’s civil war has raged over the past four years, more than a million refugees have fled into neighboring Lebanon. The Bekaa Valley, which serves as t...
(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding...
(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding president of Lufa Farms, a company that designs,...
Watch the next episode about San Francisco becoming a zero waste city:...
Watch the next episode about San Francisco becoming a zero waste city: As urban pop...
Some Christians will say homosexuality is wrong because of Leviticus 18:22. However, do these people ever notice the...
Some Christians will say homosexuality is wrong because of Leviticus 18:22. However, do these people ever notice the other things the Bible says? More Countd...
Feminism seems to be a hot trend with strong images of female stars. But do you really understand Feminism? Ms. Minh...
Feminism seems to be a hot trend with strong images of female stars. But do you really understand Feminism? Ms. Minh Thuy Ta shares her idea on Feminism from...
On March 29, Ukraine's Parliament approved the resignation of the notorious Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin....
On March 29, Ukraine's Parliament approved the resignation of the notorious Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. Joining Ukraine Today to discuss this move as a...