SPORT AGAINST DRUGS AND SOCIAL PATHOLOGY Sport w Walce z Narkomanią i Patologią Społeczną Start-Sport to projekt przygotowany z pewnym społecznym przesłaniem...
Can true change be made by one person? Or does change occur more efficiently when others are involved? Dara Frimmer...
Can true change be made by one person? Or does change occur more efficiently when others are involved? Dara Frimmer gives us a talk that will help you unders...
Adam Savage erklärt zwei spektakuläre Beispiele tiefgründig wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen, die einfachen,...
Adam Savage erklärt zwei spektakuläre Beispiele tiefgründig wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen, die einfachen, kreativen Methoden entstammten, die jeder von uns...
Who Is India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Is India's Caste System Still Alive?...
Who Is India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Is India's Caste System Still Alive? Subscribe!
The vast majority of Americans are fed up with money corrupting politics — but how do we fix it? We've got some...
The vast majority of Americans are fed up with money corrupting politics — but how do we fix it? We've got some ideas. Learn more and help make it happen at ...
Matthew Vines' book, GOD AND THE GAY CHRISTIAN, is now out in paperback:
Matthew Vines' book, GOD AND THE GAY CHRISTIAN, is now out in paperback: Sign up for The Reformation Project, which...
Former policeman Antonio Bolfo shares with us his powerful photographs from Haiti and his time following the NYPD....
Former policeman Antonio Bolfo shares with us his powerful photographs from Haiti and his time following the NYPD. His images allow us to see how a photograp...
Researchers, at the Immigration and Integration Policy Lab, define immigrant integration, explain factors of...
Researchers, at the Immigration and Integration Policy Lab, define immigrant integration, explain factors of migration, and discuss the different characteristics of immigration in Europe versus the United States.