As the United Nations finds its peacekeeping missions stretched around the world, one major power is making a difference. China, a country that once criticiz...
England cricket captain Alastair Cook visits farmers and their children supported by the Waitrose Foundation in the...
England cricket captain Alastair Cook visits farmers and their children supported by the Waitrose Foundation in the Western Cape, South Africa. Along with a ...
Mental Disorders constitute the single largest burden of disease in young people. About 70% can be diagnosed prior...
Mental Disorders constitute the single largest burden of disease in young people. About 70% can be diagnosed prior to age 25, with the peak incidence occurri...
From the "How Business Models, Capital Markets, and Ecosystems Help Scale Social Change" CASE event on October 22,...
From the "How Business Models, Capital Markets, and Ecosystems Help Scale Social Change" CASE event on October 22, 2010. Matt Nash, Cathy Clark, J. Gregory D... The future of our world depends on addressing global challenges now. We need to create... The future of our world depends on addressing global challenges now. We need to create sustainable livelihoods, feed a growing populati...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Eddy Zhong, successful...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Eddy Zhong, successful technology entrepreneur, dives into the trut...
Unternehmensverantwortung, neudeutsch Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist in aller Munde. In diesem animierten...
Unternehmensverantwortung, neudeutsch Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ist in aller Munde. In diesem animierten Videoclip wird den Fragen nachgegangen: ...
Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is...
Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is now director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassador for sustainable development. She will represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Rio plus 20 earth Summit in June 2012. An international conference organised by the UN 20 years after the first UN conference on sustainable development in Rio. At TEDxHaarlem Kitty van der Heijden will take us on a journey through international sustainable development conferences.
Sajan George on "The Future of Education" Sajan is the Founder & CEO of Matchbook Learning, a national non-profit...
Sajan George on "The Future of Education" Sajan is the Founder & CEO of Matchbook Learning, a national non-profit school turnaround management organization t...