Subscribe to our channel Thousands of Latin Americans die each year from the disease of...
Subscribe to our channel Thousands of Latin Americans die each year from the disease of the poor... "mal de chagas". Mal de chagas ...
ABOUT THE TALK: The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response...
ABOUT THE TALK: The overflow of information generated during disasters can be as paralyzing to humanitarian response as the lack of information. Making sense of this flash flood of information, “Big Data”, is proving an impossible challenge for traditional humanitarian organizations; so they’re turning to Digital Humanitarians: tech-savvy volunteers who craft and leverage ingenious crowdsourcing solutions with trail-blazing insights from artificial intelligence. This talk charts the rise of Digital Humanitarians and describes how they make sense of social media, satellite & aerial imagery and more on behalf of humanitarian organizations worldwide.
PATRICK MEIER is the author of the book Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response ( He directs QCRI’s Social Innovation Program where he & his team use human and machine computing to develop “Next Generation Humanitarian Technologies” in partnership with international humanitarian organizations. Patrick was previously with Ushahidi and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. He has a PhD from The Fletcher School, Pre-Doc from Stanford and an MA from Columbia. His influential blog iRevolutions has received over 1.5 million hits.
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat...
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat says, we use the hypocrisy of others as an...
As part of the Voices of the Region series, Priit Tohver shares his experiences as Regional Director of...
As part of the Voices of the Region series, Priit Tohver shares his experiences as Regional Director of International Federation of Medical Students Associat...
Sustainable Living You Won't Believe! Vol. 1 Going Organic PDC Documentary | Amazing Earth Permaculture is a...
Sustainable Living You Won't Believe! Vol. 1 Going Organic PDC Documentary | Amazing Earth Permaculture is a creative design process that is based on ethics ...
Exploding real estate prices, zero interest rate and a rising stock market – the rich are getting richer. What...
Exploding real estate prices, zero interest rate and a rising stock market – the rich are getting richer. What danger lies in wait for average citizens? For ...
How do you, as an artist, stay unique when you are confronted with thousands of images each day? How do you know...
How do you, as an artist, stay unique when you are confronted with thousands of images each day? How do you know that what you create is truly yours and not ...
Learning Disability in Higher Education and the Professor Student Relationship The professor-student relationship in...
Learning Disability in Higher Education and the Professor Student Relationship The professor-student relationship in higher education may be one of mentorshi...