In the past, sailors on whaling ships would carve whale teeth into works of art in a process called scrimshaw. These pieces would be brought home to loved on...
Sponsored by the Science and Technology Innovation Program. Invited panelists will discuss the science behind...
Sponsored by the Science and Technology Innovation Program. Invited panelists will discuss the science behind synthetic biology, the risks this emerging tech...
Man Ngai-shuen's daughter brags to her classmates that she has her own bed. This might seem an unusual thing to be...
Man Ngai-shuen's daughter brags to her classmates that she has her own bed. This might seem an unusual thing to be proud of, but for this family of three, li...
Prof. Frank Gu, is a Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the...
Prof. Frank Gu, is a Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has establishe...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
Aged 17, Deeyah fled from Norway confused, lost and torn between cultures. Unlike some young Muslims she picked up a...
Aged 17, Deeyah fled from Norway confused, lost and torn between cultures. Unlike some young Muslims she picked up a camera instead of a gun. She now uses he...
How does a state's investment in early childhood programs pay off for citizens in that state, as well as the nation?...
How does a state's investment in early childhood programs pay off for citizens in that state, as well as the nation? Tim Bartik explains how investing in ear...
This video is part one of a four part video series on Labor history. Produced by The Boilermakers Local 647, this...
This video is part one of a four part video series on Labor history. Produced by The Boilermakers Local 647, this video series tries to tell our side of hist...