In “Balan the Blowpipe Maker,” filmmaker Ross Harrison introduces viewers to an indigenous Malaysian elder and craftsman. "Only a few elders of Borneo’s Pena...
Mbarara Sports Academy-MSA is a community focused initiative that uses sports to increase the number of young people...
Mbarara Sports Academy-MSA is a community focused initiative that uses sports to increase the number of young people going to school in the urban and local c...
Many educators today express interest in attachment theory. Children who have not formed secure attachments to their...
Many educators today express interest in attachment theory. Children who have not formed secure attachments to their early caregivers often experience social...
When it comes to preparing for and responding to crises, we need all hands on deck — now more than ever before. In...
When it comes to preparing for and responding to crises, we need all hands on deck — now more than ever before. In this exclusive #ShareHumanity video, Devex asks experts about the role the private sector can play in crisis response and how it can be better engaged for improved solutions.
Author of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology...
Author of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, an...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why are China and India so...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why are China and India so populous? How did they account for half ...
People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and...
People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston discuss the survival advice. ...
A panel of four experts were interviewed about this issue on 20th of May during the World Health Assembly 2015, as...
A panel of four experts were interviewed about this issue on 20th of May during the World Health Assembly 2015, as part of the webcast entitled "World Health...