Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014

Por Simon Morgan en Autosuperacion Personal 1404 views 10th Octubre 2016 Duración del video: 00:15:56
Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. Gen Kelsang Nyema,...

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Migration Theories APHG

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An overview of geographic theories of migration- Ravenstein's Laws, Gravity Model, Migration Transition, and Behavioral approaches to migration. With dots.

Cambridge Analytica: Whistleblower reveals data grab of 50 million Facebook profiles

The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more...

The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more than 50 million Facebook profiles, a whistleblower has revealed to Channel 4 News. In an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.


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Inequality, tax & migration: Thomas Piketty challenges orthodox economics

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Our refugee system is failing. Here's how we can fix it | Alexander Betts

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The art of politics | Steve Richards | TEDxHousesofParliament

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The War on Drugs Has Failed. Is Legalization the Answer? -- Marijuana

March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the...
March 9, 2012 Defenders of current U.S. drug policy, advocates for reform and academic researchers discuss the effects of and alternatives to the United Stat...


...this isn't even a quarter of my list ʘ‿ʘ facebook friend me! http://www.facebook.com/officiallacigreen tweet at...
...this isn't even a quarter of my list ʘ‿ʘ facebook friend me! http://www.facebook.com/officiallacigreen tweet at me grrl - http://www.twitter.com/gogreen18...
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