After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver

Por Simon Morgan en Autosuperacion Personal 1503 views 10th Octubre 2016 Duración del video: 00:14:25
In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want. Recorded at TEDxVancouver...

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Bruce Lee on the paradox between self-improvement and self-acceptance

How To Not Give A Fuck is the problem-free philosophy of replacing attachment and desire with a perpetual strive for...
How To Not Give A Fuck is the problem-free philosophy of replacing attachment and desire with a perpetual strive for self-improvement and growth. Learn more ...

Depression and spiritual awakening -- two sides of one door | Lisa Miller | TEDxTeachersCollege

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Is depression, as most of...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Is depression, as most of us experience it, meaningless suffering? ...

Animal Welfare and the Future of Zoos | Ron Kagan | TEDxOaklandUniversity

Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different...
Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human an...

Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver

Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen...
Mit eindrucksvollen Geschichten aus seinem Anti-Adipositas-Projekt liefert Jamie Oliver, Gewinner des diesjährigen TED Preises, überzeugende Argumente für ei...

TEDxNaperville - Todd Kelsey - Nonprofit Exchange

What if we could allocate our resources in a more effective way? What if we could learn from the for-profit stock...
What if we could allocate our resources in a more effective way? What if we could learn from the for-profit stock market, which stretches over the entire pla...

The European Union Conspiracy

An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired...
An old video now but still contains relevant information that matters more today than it did when filmed. Retired Police Superintendent Trevor Colman The Eur...

The economic impact of Europe's refugee crisis - real economy

Some 1.2 million asylum applications were made in Europe in 2015. To put that figure into context, this summer more...
Some 1.2 million asylum applications were made in Europe in 2015. To put that figure into context, this summer more than 300,000 applications were made.That'...

The library is not a collection of books: Charlie Bennett at TEDxTelfairStreet

Libraries have never been about the form of the collection. Libraries are always about being the shoulders of the...
Libraries have never been about the form of the collection. Libraries are always about being the shoulders of the giants we stand upon; about being the castl...

The Future of Food: Innovation, Technology, and Agriculture

The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively...
The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively leveraged to make food chains more resilient, e...
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