EU Migration Crisis: Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object

Por Henry Turner en Migración & Integración 1268 views 10th Octubre 2016 Duración del video: 00:13:20
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The Era of Corporate Social Responsibility is Ending | Rachel Hutchisson | TEDxWilmington

Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good...

Rachel Hutchisson's talk is about why the end of Corporate Social Responsibility is A GOOD THING. Why is it a good thing? Because it will be replaced, by "Human Social Responsibility." Hutchisson outlines why the phrase Corporate Social Responsibility is so problematic, before offering her advice to businesses of all sizes in how to identify and operate a successful program. The key? Listening and empowering the workers of the business, and listening to your community. Hutchisson ends her talk with a call to leadership -- Keep the HUMANS central.


Introduction to International Finance

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Outdoor Recreation and Leisure - YouTube

Outdoor Recreation is a unique way to use leisure to obtain a variety of benefits.

Disability sport is the future | Abu Yilla | TEDxUTA - YouTube

This talk will provide an overview of how Paralympic sport has reflected, and helped change the position of people...
This talk will provide an overview of how Paralympic sport has reflected, and helped change the position of people with disabilities in society and how now, ...

Get To Know Me - My Story, My Disability

Scrapbook Expo VLOG: Latest Project Share: LATEST HAUL:...
Scrapbook Expo VLOG: Latest Project Share: LATEST HAUL: Michaels and Tues...

Social Development: Crash Course Sociology #13

What makes you… you? How did you get to be that way? Today we’re talking about social development, starting with the...
What makes you… you? How did you get to be that way? Today we’re talking about social development, starting with the role of nature and nurture in influencin...

Neal Barnard, M.D.: Power Foods for the Brain

UNE Center for Global Humanities and its founding director, Anouar Majid, host Neal Barnard, M.D. on "Power Foods...
UNE Center for Global Humanities and its founding director, Anouar Majid, host Neal Barnard, M.D. on "Power Foods for the Brain."

Building Character through Sports | Jorge Lee | TEDxHIllsboroughLibrary

What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter...
What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter which sport, character development with emp...

The Status of Women Around the World: The People Speak

VICE News traveled around the world speaking to people about women's equality, and changing perspectives on the role...
VICE News traveled around the world speaking to people about women's equality, and changing perspectives on the role played by women in global societies. Fin...
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