How FinTech is Shaping the Future of Banking | Henri Arslanian | TEDxWanChai

Por Plicatus EN en Asuntos Financieros 1480 views 20th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:14:02
While FinTech is revolutionizing the banking industry and giving millions of people access to financial services for the first time, new banking models are e...

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Arogya Parivar: A social business model to improve health in rural India

Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day,...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day, access to healthcare remains an issue. No...

Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power... What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and th...

What Are China's Human Rights Violations?

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Cold Comfort and How the Environment Shapes Human Biology | Scott Carney | TEDxCU

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Mechanisms and secrets of Alzheimer's disease: exploring the brain

A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of...
A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Available in English, Ge...

What the Bible says about homosexuality | Kristin Saylor & Jim O'Hanlon | TEDxEdgemontSchool

Kristin Saylor and Jim O'Hanlon talks about what the Bible really says about homosexuality and other LGBTQ topics....
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The No Outsiders Classroom: An LGBT Critical Art Project

Social justice is a broad concept with varying interpretations, but generally it means leveling the playing field....
Social justice is a broad concept with varying interpretations, but generally it means leveling the playing field. It’s not so much about creating opportunit...

Miley Cyrus on Marriage and Equality – Extended Cut

We didn’t have time for all of Miley’s chat, but here are all of her comments on marriage, relationships and equality.
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