How to be the best version of yourself | Raquel Caballero | TEDxKlagenfurt

Por William Foy en Autosuperacion Personal 1320 views 17th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:17:15
Emotional Intelligence has become a key word when it comes to working in teams and groups. Our life at work has never been more complex. Same counts for our ...

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The Future of Food: Innovation, Technology, and Agriculture

The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively...
The Council presents a panel of agricultural experts talking about which technologies can be most effectively leveraged to make food chains more resilient, e...

Political Actors in the Arab World

The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent opposition groups. Without a break in the st...

Why we shouldn’t shy away from sexual education | Dr. V. Chandra-Mouli | TEDxChisinau

As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education...
As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education is not just teaching about sex, reproduc...

"Heroin: The Hardest Hit" 2016 Documentary on Heroin Addition and Prescription Pill Abuse

If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin:...
If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin: The Hardest Hit" covers heroin addiction ...

What if the European Union did not exist? | Arnoldas Pranckevičius | TEDxJBG

Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during...
Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during the years working in the European Comissi...

Basics of Indian Economy

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Be Yourself to Free Yourself(Finding Your Personal Freedom) | G Brian Benson | TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh

In this talk, G. Brain Benson describes his journey over the past six years and how, despite his business success,...
In this talk, G. Brain Benson describes his journey over the past six years and how, despite his business success, he chose to pursue a freer lifestyle as an...

It's time to invest in non-profits with impact: Michael Smith at TEDxMidAtlantic

Michael Smith is the Director of the United States government's Social Innovation Fund, a key White House initiative...
Michael Smith is the Director of the United States government's Social Innovation Fund, a key White House initiative and program of the Corporation for Natio...
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