Subscribe to our channel Thousands of Latin Americans die each year from the disease of the poor... "mal de chagas". Mal de chagas ...
Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face...
Subscribe! Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, one of the world's most "unwanted" people, face abuse, and displacement by Buddhists. So why ...
London Tango Festival 2011 took place at Porchester Hall Bayswater on 18th November 2011 with appearance of best...
London Tango Festival 2011 took place at Porchester Hall Bayswater on 18th November 2011 with appearance of best champion tango dancers from all over the world.
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and thought-provoking video to highlight the plight of refuge...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and...
*Uploaded for educational purposes* "All talk of rights, a philosopher once remarked, is 'nonsense on stilts' - and that was before anyone had dreamt up 'ani...
The idea of a "basic income" has a long intellectual pedigree, and the case for it is better than you might expect....
The idea of a "basic income" has a long intellectual pedigree, and the case for it is better than you might expect. Read more about the simplest plan to end ...
"PMR" is an NGO in Delhi/India who supports homeless people as well as people living in Slums. Dr.Dr. Parasher leads...
"PMR" is an NGO in Delhi/India who supports homeless people as well as people living in Slums. Dr.Dr. Parasher leads you through the project and the slums. F...
No stranger to what makes farming successful, Clara Coleman has a clear plan for a new collaborative farming model...
No stranger to what makes farming successful, Clara Coleman has a clear plan for a new collaborative farming model that responds to today's particular challe...