Spreading fake news - How to fool the media | Peter Onneken | TEDxTUBerlin

Por Theodore test Henderson en Medios de Comunicación 1428 views 14th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:12:38
“Eating chocolate helps losing weight” I was stunned. Could not believe it. And nope, it’s not because of a new weight loss trend that could help me losing s...

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The Value of Your Professional Associations

Lee Frederiksen talks about the 5 advantages to being apart of a professional association.

How a rooftop farm feeds a city | Mohamed Hage | TEDxUdeM

(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding...
(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding president of Lufa Farms, a company that designs,...

Talk Africa: Agricultural transformation in Africa

As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth,...
As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth, plunging commodity prices, and the effects o...

Why children need science and technology. | Netra Unni Rajesh | TEDxMississauga

Netra Unni Rajesh built her first real science lab in her parents' basement when she was just 14. She went on to...
Netra Unni Rajesh built her first real science lab in her parents' basement when she was just 14. She went on to study and perform research at the University of Toronto, MIT and CalTech. Now she shares her ideas about how to inspire our youth to pursue STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

The library is not a collection of books: Charlie Bennett at TEDxTelfairStreet

Libraries have never been about the form of the collection. Libraries are always about being the shoulders of the...
Libraries have never been about the form of the collection. Libraries are always about being the shoulders of the giants we stand upon; about being the castl...

MEXICO SECOND - (Official) | #EverySecondCounts #VibraMexico

Mexico heard you, Mr. President Trump We know it's going to be America first, but please let Mexico be second....
Mexico heard you, Mr. President Trump We know it's going to be America first, but please let Mexico be second. Compra T-Shirts de Fenomeno Studios: https://s...

How To Survive Homelessness

People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and...
People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston discuss the survival advice. ...

Educating for Peace & Human Rights: Monisha Bajaj at TEDxTeachersCollege

In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of international educational development, fo...
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