In April 2015 Kirsty Cockburn found herself in the middle of one of the most devastating natural disasters of recent times, when the ground shook beneath her...
In this harrowing film Sky’s Mark Stone witnesses the extraordinary rescue of hundreds of migrants off Libya's...
In this harrowing film Sky’s Mark Stone witnesses the extraordinary rescue of hundreds of migrants off Libya's coast. Shows scenes of migrant rescues and dea... - SUPPORT ME :) Like this video? Please give it a thumbs up below and/or... - SUPPORT ME :) Like this video? Please give it a thumbs up below and/or leave a comment - Thank you!!! In this video ...
Why is chronic poverty tolerated in America? Is our economic system flawed? Through personal stories and insights,...
Why is chronic poverty tolerated in America? Is our economic system flawed? Through personal stories and insights, University of Alabama professor J. Palmer ...
The Paris forum, taking place on 4 April 2013, will bring world leaders and key actors together to engage in a...
The Paris forum, taking place on 4 April 2013, will bring world leaders and key actors together to engage in a dynamic and critical debate on the need for a shift away from labour- and resource-intensive production towards resource-efficient productivity.
Pain and tragedy are universal. In the midst of the rubble of Palestine, photojournalist Eman Mohammed set out to...
Pain and tragedy are universal. In the midst of the rubble of Palestine, photojournalist Eman Mohammed set out to show the pain of Palestine through portrait...
The green economy is defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and...
The green economy is defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, and that aims for sustainable development without degrading the environment. It is closely related with ecological economics, but has a more politically applied focus. The 2011 UNEP Green Economy Report argues "that to be green, an economy must not only be efficient, but also fair. Fairness implies recognising global and country level equity dimensions, particularly in assuring a just transition to an economy that is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive."
If you were setting out to make a country rich, what kind of mindsets and ideas would be most likely to achieve your...
If you were setting out to make a country rich, what kind of mindsets and ideas would be most likely to achieve your goals? We invent a country, Richland, an...
Why does everybody wants to reach the top? Jeroen van Baar explains in a very open and engaging way about the...
Why does everybody wants to reach the top? Jeroen van Baar explains in a very open and engaging way about the problem of our generation. He argues that we sh...