The Scientific Landscape of Healthy Eating | Dr. Mike Israetel | TEDxSpringfield

Por Sherri Mosher en Salud & Nutricion 1846 views 12th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:14:33
When your health is a top priority, trying to make sense of all the information on nutrition can be quite confusing.In this talk, Dr. Mike Israetel summarize...

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Addiction to Television TED Talk

TED Talk for CAS 137H given on November 10, 2014

Dr. David Matsumoto discusses culture and personality

Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at...
Dr. David Matsumoto discusses the correlation between culture and personality. See more of his work at

Aviation Technology: is it the solution to humanitarian and disaster relief?

An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world has prompted a need for alternatives. As it...

Latin Pulse: Status of Poverty in Latin America

For more: (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) Features former...
For more: (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) Features former president of Peru, Alejandro Toledo. How...

Climate Change Is Happening. Here's How We Adapt | Alice Bows-Larkin | TED Talks

Imagine the hottest day you've ever experienced. Now imagine it's six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate...
Imagine the hottest day you've ever experienced. Now imagine it's six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin, that's the...

Improving early child development with words: Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald at TEDxAtlanta

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is leveraging the simple practice of talking to babies and toddlers to nourish their brains...
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is leveraging the simple practice of talking to babies and toddlers to nourish their brains and set them up for better performance in s...

Time to let go: a proposal for change in the humanitarian system

The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett,...
The humanitarian system is simply not doing a good job in the eyes of the people it aims to help. Christina Bennett, Research Fellow with the Humanitarian Policy Group at the Overseas Development Institute, lays out a three-point proposal for radical change to create a humanitarian system that is fit to respond to the challenges of both today and tomorrow.

The financial brain of the London City - (VPRO documentary - 2013)

Joris Luyendijk is a journalist and a publicist with a banker’s blog on The Guardian. For this episode of VPRO...
Joris Luyendijk is a journalist and a publicist with a banker’s blog on The Guardian. For this episode of VPRO backlight, he dives into the financial brain o...

Germany second | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo

Jump to Introduction Video about Germany: 01:47 English subtitles available! Eine niederländische Fernsehsendung,...
Jump to Introduction Video about Germany: 01:47 English subtitles available! Eine niederländische Fernsehsendung, deren Konzept offensichtlich von uns geklau...
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