Bruce Schneier is an internationally-renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," he is best known as a refres...
In a thought-provoking talk, Nat Ware makes the case that charities have been put in a box for far too long. We have...
In a thought-provoking talk, Nat Ware makes the case that charities have been put in a box for far too long. We have expectations of charities, he says, and ...
Jim speaks on the benefits science has allowed for in the advancements in growing food. He suggests that global...
Jim speaks on the benefits science has allowed for in the advancements in growing food. He suggests that global changes will create a need for us to leave ro...
Many technologies have promised to revolutionize education, but so far none has. With that in mind, what could...
Many technologies have promised to revolutionize education, but so far none has. With that in mind, what could revolutionize education? These ideas have been...
In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics'...
In his interview during the UNU-WIDER 30th Anniversary Conference 'Mapping the Future of Development Economics' Nobel laureate in economics Professor Joseph Stiglitz gave an interview on the past and future challenges to development. When asked about the SDGs Professor Stiglitz said that he welcomes the new goals as they apply to all countries and embrace a wider meaning of development than simply growth in GDP. He also welcomes the number of goals, which are a testament to the influence this framework has in setting global norms that will underpin international development efforts.
View the full event: News organizations...
View the full event: News organizations have recently documented the proliferati...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the system crashes Europe. He studies all the d...
People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and...
People who've had experience living on the street give advice on how to survive homelessness. John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston discuss the survival advice. ...
Netra Unni Rajesh built her first real science lab in her parents' basement when she was just 14. She went on to...
Netra Unni Rajesh built her first real science lab in her parents' basement when she was just 14. She went on to study and perform research at the University of Toronto, MIT and CalTech. Now she shares her ideas about how to inspire our youth to pursue STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In his talk, Powell...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In his talk, Powell explains how to recognize when your brain is wo...