Work-life balance: balancing time or balancing identity? | Michelle Ryan | TEDxExeter

Por Walter Downes en Asuntos de Familia 1363 views 11th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:13:14
Some argue that women choose not to go into particular jobs, often because of the hours required and the sacrifices that need to be made. But what is really ...

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The Blockchain Revolution | Rajesh Dhuddu | TEDxHyderabad

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Mind the Matrix FULL FILM

NOTE: It is now almost 7 years after the Ayahuasca experience and this filmmaker believes humanity’s consciousness...
NOTE: It is now almost 7 years after the Ayahuasca experience and this filmmaker believes humanity’s consciousness has expanded enough since then to make a significant collective change in the matrix template.

This film is subtitled in: English/Nederlands/Deutsch/Espanol

Our external reality is an expression of what we have collectively created together and we consider this to be REALITY.
Reality in this case means ‘OUR THOUGHTS REALISED’. So, yes, it is a form of reality indeed.

However, a lot of the realities we have created are not in harmony with our true being and planet earth. Western society is a slash and burn reality where what we take is not given back. This will eventually result in the exhaustion of resources of our planet.
The way we treat planet Earth is a result of how we treat ourselves and thus others.
We tend to think in a linear way and not in a cyclical way where what goes out comes back in and vise versa:

A dance between our internal eternal spirit and the physical external realm.

It is like we have become so mesmerized that we believe that the external world is all there is. We hang on to it for dear life and since we know our resources are finite, fear and greed put us into a constant survival mode.
In the mean time our true being is not integrated as much as is healthy for our wellbeing. It is like we walk around like zombies; cleverly reflected by the large amount of zombie movies that have come out over the past 10 years.

The film ‘Mind the Matrix’ looks at all this and with the help of various experts, hands the viewer tools on how to get back to our natural state of inner and outer harmony.
This is where global change will start. With ourselves. Once we have rediscovered the nature of who we really are, this will automatically be reflected outwards. Our ‘reality’ will then be adjusted all by itself.

By remaining focused outwards, we as humans may just get exhausted of trying for change and not seeing any.
Like Mahatma Gandhi said ‘Be the change that you want in the world’.

Please watch the movie and share it with as many people as you feel to.
If you speak a foreign language and you would like it to be available in your country, please contact to suggest volunteers who can translate the English version.

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