Por Plicatus EN en Iniciativas Sociales 1545 views 2nd Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:01:14

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Climate Change Animation Shows Devastating Effects

AJ+ animates the devastating effects on how climate change is already affecting every continent and every ocean on...
AJ+ animates the devastating effects on how climate change is already affecting every continent and every ocean on the planet, based on the most definitive r...

How Ghana and Norway are taking the UN Sustainability Goals by storm. | Hilde Opoku | TEDxTrondheim

Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty...

Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty consequences, but there is hope. Listen to Hilde Opoku's story of how Ghana and Norway are forging ahead as leaders in the fight for a better environment for all. Hilde Opoku, Deputy Mayor and Leader of the Green Party in Trondheim. Former spokesperson for the Green Party in Norway from 2014 to 2016, Hilde is a political scientist with a specialization in industrial ecology. She previously worked at the Department of Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) before entering politics in 2003 when she was elected to the city council of Trondheim.


TEDxRainier - Dimitri Christakis - Media and Children

Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal...
Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal media exposure for children. In the spir...

Role of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Internal Trade

To download this video as an animated ppt, please log on to www.jvmeducation.com

Closing the gap between men and women in agriculture

http://www.fao.org/sofa/gender The world cannot eliminate hunger without closing the gap between men and women in...
http://www.fao.org/sofa/gender The world cannot eliminate hunger without closing the gap between men and women in agriculture. With equal access to productiv...

Black Pan-African Consciousness in the 21st Century

Bomani connect with the brothers to talk about Black Pan-African Consciousness in the 21st Century....
Bomani connect with the brothers to talk about Black Pan-African Consciousness in the 21st Century. Gofundme.com/p/bf29 for African Diaspora Repatriation Vil...

"Maya, the Illusion of the Self"

Samadhi Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi. You...
Samadhi Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi. You can purchase a high definition copy of the film for download to your computer here: http://www.innerworldsmovie.com/index...

Samadhi Part 2 "It's Not What You Think" will be coming soon. Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W4jO...

This Youtube video has "community translations" turned on. Click "more" and "add translation" if you would like to contribute a translation. If you have any questions you can contact us at info@innerworldsmovie.com.

We have new films, retreats and awakening initiatives coming available periodically and we would love to share with you. If you would like to receive occasional emails from us please subscribe to our newsletter at http://www.samadhi.ca.

Many other parts of the Samadhi series are in various stages of completion and will follow. It is quite possible that the film is actually endless.

There are aspects in this film that rely on your understanding of concepts such as the primordial spiral, the logos, akasha, kundalini which can be found in the film "Inner Worlds Outer Worlds". The film can be watched for free at www.innerworldsmovie.com.

Please support future films (which will always be released for free to the world) by donating at http://www.innerworldsmovie.com/index...
Every small donation helps to keep production flowing.

While we greatly encourage you to freely share the links to the film, embed them and spread them freely, please do not steal the film, claim it as your own and/or monetize it on your own Youtube channel. Thank you

The Economy of The United Kingdom

The economy of the united kingdom is really a tale of two cities, it was the best of times and it was the worst of...
The economy of the united kingdom is really a tale of two cities, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times, it is an economy with the highest levels of foreign investment per capita in the world and it is an economy with a major poverty crisis. It is an economy that is home to the second largest financial centre in the world and yet its entire economy is smaller than that of California.

Impact of Poverty Early Education

how poverty impact early childhood education- Child Welfare reform
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