A short film for those supporting children with additional and complex needs. With footage of a Team Around the...
A short film for those supporting children with additional and complex needs. With footage of a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting and interviews with paren...
As the International Economic Forum kicks off in St. Petersburg, RT’s Peter Lаvelle is ready to delve into the...
As the International Economic Forum kicks off in St. Petersburg, RT’s Peter Lаvelle is ready to delve into the world’s most acute agenda. The massive influx ...
A must for anyone interested in the constitution, or studying constitutional law! I do not own this video content,...
A must for anyone interested in the constitution, or studying constitutional law! I do not own this video content, all credit goes to its owners, i am submit...
Mental Disorders constitute the single largest burden of disease in young people. About 70% can be diagnosed prior...
Mental Disorders constitute the single largest burden of disease in young people. About 70% can be diagnosed prior to age 25, with the peak incidence occurri...
Nicky Campbell hosts the topical debate show from Samworth Enterprise Academy in Leicester. The 'Big Question' is:...
Nicky Campbell hosts the topical debate show from Samworth Enterprise Academy in Leicester. The 'Big Question' is: Is Animal Testing Justified. Among those t...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Andrew...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Andrew Billings shares the idea that using spor...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos...
FreeDem Videos Hope to Boost Ireland's Brain Health and Tackle Fears About Memory Loss 10 quirky animated videos addressing common concerns about memory loss...