BBC Documentary - The Money Trap - How Banks Control the World Through Debt

Por Plicatus EN en Asuntos Financieros 1456 views 20th Noviembre 2017 Duración del video: 00:39:31
Exposing the Truth of Our Devious Financial System

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The Truth About Refugees

For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and thought-provoking video to highlight the plight of refuge...

Will aid and education give development or increase corruption? | Tone Ellefsrud | TEDxArendal

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My Family and LGBTQ Issues: A Documentary

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Addiction to Television TED Talk

TED Talk for CAS 137H given on November 10, 2014
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