For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and thought-provoking video to highlight the plight of refuge...
How do you help the ones in need, when corrupt people try to stop it? And what cultural shocks do you encounter when...
How do you help the ones in need, when corrupt people try to stop it? And what cultural shocks do you encounter when we take some things for granted? Hear To...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. TEDxJaffa partnered with...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. TEDxJaffa partnered with The British Council [http://www.britishcou...
View full lesson: Most people will take a...
View full lesson: Most people will take a pill, receive an injection, or otherwise take...
Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our...
Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. Gen Kelsang Nyema,...
Closer To China examines how science is transforming China through an exclusive interview with a pioneer of China’s...
Closer To China examines how science is transforming China through an exclusive interview with a pioneer of China’s science, the former president of Chinese ...
Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental...
Hank gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental effects on the valuable ecosystem service...