TEDxNaperville - Todd Kelsey - Nonprofit Exchange

Por plicatus.org en Otra 2061 views 27th Febrero 2017 Duración del video: 00:11:25
What if we could allocate our resources in a more effective way? What if we could learn from the for-profit stock market, which stretches over the entire pla...

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How Culture Drives Behaviours | Julien S. Bourrelle | TEDxTrondheim

Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you...
Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you interpret the World. Julien is the founder of...

National Security in the Age of ‘America First’

The Trump Administration says it is “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American...
The Trump Administration says it is “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security” and that “the world will be ...

How to Stop Corruption? Sadhguru [Election 2014]

Answering a question on how to avoid becoming corrupt, Sadhguru explains that even without the positions that people...
Answering a question on how to avoid becoming corrupt, Sadhguru explains that even without the positions that people take on, corruption is there within them...

Why bilingualism is important for minorities, such as the Roma in Eastern Europe

Professor HRISTO KYUCHUKOV Institute of Romani Studies Constantine the Philosopher University - Slovakia

Aviation Technology: is it the solution to humanitarian and disaster relief?

An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world has prompted a need for alternatives. As it...

"Silenced" Film Explores the Human Toll of Obama's Crackdown on National Security Whistleblowers

http://www.democracynow.org - How far would you go to tell the truth? That is the question posed by the new...
http://www.democracynow.org - How far would you go to tell the truth? That is the question posed by the new documentary "Silenced," which follows three natio...

What is Corrupt? | Zephyr Teachout | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity

According to the majority of the current Supreme Court, if an action isn't punishable by a bribery statute, it’s not...
According to the majority of the current Supreme Court, if an action isn't punishable by a bribery statute, it’s not corruption. Corruption is a funny word, ...

Education is key to Human Development: OFID and UNESCO

OFID has been partnering with UNESCO to fund education in some of the world's most vulnerable regions since 1985....
OFID has been partnering with UNESCO to fund education in some of the world's most vulnerable regions since 1985. This video highlights three OFID/UNESCO ini...
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