The program reports the committment of the Catholic Church and of the Assembly of the Churches in Syria facing the emergency of the Syrian refugees in the ne...
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated...
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free ... Erik Blaney, coordinator of Tla'amin First Nation's Guardian Watchmen program. The... Erik Blaney, coordinator of Tla'amin First Nation's Guardian Watchmen program. The Guardian Watchmen program was started in 2006 ...
Pete Masters, MSF, presents on the Missing Maps project and how engaging humanitarian and tech volunteer communities...
Pete Masters, MSF, presents on the Missing Maps project and how engaging humanitarian and tech volunteer communities in the project can provide NGOs with much needed mapping data; for epidemiology, disaster risk preparedness and intelligent resource allocation and decision making. Remote volunteers trace satellite images onto OpenStreetMap, local community volunteers add details (street names, medical centres,
Watch more Disaster Survival & Worst-Case Scenarios videos:...
Watch more Disaster Survival & Worst-Case Scenarios videos: You can increase y...
Exclusive Videos Here: Instagram: infinitewaters Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book...
Exclusive Videos Here: Instagram: infinitewaters Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below: http://www.ralphsmart... Jacek Utko is a little-known newspaper designer whose redesigns not only win awards, but increase... Jacek Utko is a little-known newspaper designer whose redesigns not only win awards, but increase circulation by up to 100%. Can good desi...
Milton Friedman puts forward a compelling case for the legalization of drugs More videos and information on issues...
Milton Friedman puts forward a compelling case for the legalization of drugs More videos and information on issues of liberty is available at http://www.Libe...