As the United Nations finds its peacekeeping missions stretched around the world, one major power is making a difference. China, a country that once criticiz...
Maliha Chishti speaks at a 2016 TEDx event in Toronto. Dr. Maliha Chishti is a researcher specializing in war and...
Maliha Chishti speaks at a 2016 TEDx event in Toronto. Dr. Maliha Chishti is a researcher specializing in war and post-conflict peacebuilding. As the former ...
Few would dispute that illicit drug use and abuse is one of the most prominent and perplexing issues facing our...
Few would dispute that illicit drug use and abuse is one of the most prominent and perplexing issues facing our society. For nearly a century, the United Sta...
View full lesson: Our planet’s diverse,...
View full lesson: Our planet’s diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent f...
This video is about InterAct Disability Arts Festival 2014 which took place at the Corban's Art Centre 22-24 October...
This video is about InterAct Disability Arts Festival 2014 which took place at the Corban's Art Centre 22-24 October 2014. Displays, workshops and performanc...
Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im...
Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im Ausland besser befreit und Spezialkräfte zu i... The Repository of Successful Practices is a roadmap for how to close the economic gender... The Repository of Successful Practices is a roadmap for how to close the economic gender gap. Laura Liswood, from the Council of Wome...
Check out the website! Just as a disclaimer, I made this video when I was 13. When I talked about Mother...
Check out the website! Just as a disclaimer, I made this video when I was 13. When I talked about Mother Earth being mad, I more so meant that part...
About this event: Douglas Massey presents his paper...
About this event: Douglas Massey presents his paper ‘International migration in theory and practice: A...