This lesson is part of an International Human Rights free online course. You may follow it in Udemy or in ...
Gísli gives us insight into the reality of the humanitarian aid worker, which is often enveloped in an aura of...
Gísli gives us insight into the reality of the humanitarian aid worker, which is often enveloped in an aura of nobility.
Gísli Rafn Ólafsson officially became a disaster geek over a decade ago, when he joined his two passions in life, information technology and disaster response. Today he helps responders get access to the internet in the most challenging locations of all, disaster zones. When not traveling the world responding to disasters, he enjoys spending time with his wife, five kids, and grandson.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Black Hebrews were bought from the southern coast of Nigeria, formerly known as the Kingdom of Judah or Ouida....
Black Hebrews were bought from the southern coast of Nigeria, formerly known as the Kingdom of Judah or Ouida. Hebrews were also bought from Negroland. Just ...
In the age of mobility, more people are on the move than ever before. Yet many of those who are on the move — the...
In the age of mobility, more people are on the move than ever before. Yet many of those who are on the move — the illegal migrants, are dying at sea. Is keep...
The USAID Jordan Civil Society Program launched the CBO-Technical Assistance Program (CBO-TAP) aimed at "Internal...
The USAID Jordan Civil Society Program launched the CBO-Technical Assistance Program (CBO-TAP) aimed at "Internal Strengthening for Change". Implemented in c...
Laura McDonald talks about politics, in particular as minorities living in non-Muslim countries, how we can get to...
Laura McDonald talks about politics, in particular as minorities living in non-Muslim countries, how we can get to involve in politics or even if we should b...
So all these countries have an idea that under the reign of the living God-Emperor Donald Trump, it should be them...
So all these countries have an idea that under the reign of the living God-Emperor Donald Trump, it should be them second. We disagree. We feel that in a tim...
Zwingen Sie die Leute nicht dazu, für Musik zu bezahlen, sagt Amanda Palmer. "Lassen Sie es zu." In ihrem...
Zwingen Sie die Leute nicht dazu, für Musik zu bezahlen, sagt Amanda Palmer. "Lassen Sie es zu." In ihrem eindringlichen Vortrag, den sie mit Berichten aus i...
A changing climate and rapidly growing exposure to disaster risk presents the world with an unprecedented challenge....
A changing climate and rapidly growing exposure to disaster risk presents the world with an unprecedented challenge. For developing countries, both less able...