Small amounts of money can create huge change. Through microfinance, entrepreneurs are earning a living with...
Small amounts of money can create huge change. Through microfinance, entrepreneurs are earning a living with dignity. Tom Eggert has been at the forefront of...
Mallika Dutt is the President and CEO of Breakthrough, a global human rights organization that uses the power of...
Mallika Dutt is the President and CEO of Breakthrough, a global human rights organization that uses the power of media, pop culture and community mobilizatio...
Because no one should be without water. And no one has to. A simple solution to a complex problem. TEDxTeen opening...
Because no one should be without water. And no one has to. A simple solution to a complex problem. TEDxTeen opening music by BlackDoe Konstantin's name comes...
The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS) challenges Al Qaeda and its dominance of the global...
The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS) challenges Al Qaeda and its dominance of the global jihadist movement. While ISIS had its origin as ...
The reason why some countries are rich and others poor depends on many things, including the quality of their...
The reason why some countries are rich and others poor depends on many things, including the quality of their institutions, the culture they have, the natura...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution to feed the globe’s growing population. Bu...