Homeless guy spits some truth.

Por Megan Smith en Sin Hogar & Tugurios 1511 views 14th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:06:04
UPDATE: The GoFundMe has been closed and the money was delivered to him last week. Thank you to everyone who donated! For everyone asking, this was shot with...

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Khan Academy: The future of education?

With the backing of Gates and Google, Khan Academy and its free online educational videos are moving into the...
With the backing of Gates and Google, Khan Academy and its free online educational videos are moving into the classroom and across the world. Their goal: to ...

Cambridge Analytica: whistleblower exposes how dirty tricks undermined democracy

BBC News & Channel 4 News 17 March 2018 I rotate uploads between my three YouTube channels: for more like this...

BBC News & Channel 4 News 17 March 2018 I rotate uploads between my three YouTube channels: for more like this search for: "I Am Incorrigible"


FAQ - Job mobility

In March, the European Union unemployment rate hit 8.3%. At same time, half a million jobs remain unfilled -...
In March, the European Union unemployment rate hit 8.3%. At same time, half a million jobs remain unfilled - particularly in Germany and Britain. What can be...

Diaries of left-behind children

China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave...
China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave their home to work faraway. As a result, th...

Education for Human Rights... Young People Talking

UNESCO Associated Schools in 10 countries were selected to participate in this film project which aims to raise...
UNESCO Associated Schools in 10 countries were selected to participate in this film project which aims to raise awareness on key issues related to human righ...

The three essential ingredients for active citizenship | Eric Liu | TEDxChristchurch

Eric Liu talks about active citizenship at a 2015 TEDx event in Christchurch, New Zealand. Eric Liu defines power...
Eric Liu talks about active citizenship at a 2015 TEDx event in Christchurch, New Zealand. Eric Liu defines power as, "the ability to make others do as you w...

True Artificial Intelligence will change everything | Juergen Schmidhuber | TEDxLakeComo

Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Scientific Director of the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, DTI, SUPSI; Prof. of AI, Faculty...
Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Scientific Director of the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, DTI, SUPSI; Prof. of AI, Faculty of Informatics, USI, Lugano; Co-founder &...

Hungary and its minorities the Roma community speaks up

Roma - the lost Indian tenth Army of the Buddhist Gour kingdom.The last of the divisions Who went to fight the final...
Roma - the lost Indian tenth Army of the Buddhist Gour kingdom.The last of the divisions Who went to fight the final battle in 1080 AD facing the islamic inv...

Patagonia: The "dirtbag" way of business

EBS University Innovation Management 2012 by Julia Urbanke Antonia Rojas Eing Christian Häsler Th.

This is a video...

EBS University Innovation Management 2012 by Julia Urbanke Antonia Rojas Eing Christian Häsler Th.

This is a video for educational purposes. It refers to the case study "Patagonia" by Forest Reinhardt, Ramon Casadeus-Masanell, and Hyun Jin Kim, published on October 19, 2010 by the Harvard Business School.

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