I made this for my final project in Chemistry in 11th grade. Hope you enjoy! This video details how we understand global warming, and the chemistry behind ho...
Breve explicación sobre el concepto de corrupción según la fórmula de Robert Klitgaard. La corrupción política, sus...
Breve explicación sobre el concepto de corrupción según la fórmula de Robert Klitgaard. La corrupción política, sus causas, efectos y la transparencia como solución.
NYU Florence Islamophobia and Interreligious Tolerance Student moderators: Amanda Gelbart, Ismail Ibrahim, Michelle...
NYU Florence Islamophobia and Interreligious Tolerance Student moderators: Amanda Gelbart, Ismail Ibrahim, Michelle Deme “The Educational Approach of the Ann...
Brian's presentation Gay issues in the Workplace. This is part of a segment from Brian's trainings with corporate...
Brian's presentation Gay issues in the Workplace. This is part of a segment from Brian's trainings with corporate executives around the world. For more infor...
Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer...
Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer technical communities and the traditional humanitarian response organizations, highlighting the collaboration framework for how to work with the V&TC community
A technique used to avoid bias is the "point/counterpoint" or "round table", an adversarial format in which...
A technique used to avoid bias is the "point/counterpoint" or "round table", an adversarial format in which representatives of opposing views comment on an i...
The first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma advocates for equal opportunities for...
The first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma advocates for equal opportunities for people with disabilities. President Obama n...
A consortium of non-profits is bringing technical and managerial expertise to Ghana to improve access to safe and...
A consortium of non-profits is bringing technical and managerial expertise to Ghana to improve access to safe and adequate water supplies, improved sanitatio...