Get To Know Me - My Story, My Disability

Por Kathleen Tarrance en Discapacidad & Invalidez 1413 views 14th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:21:09
Scrapbook Expo VLOG: Latest Project Share: LATEST HAUL: Michaels and Tues...

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NMIT Certificate III in Aged Care

Aged Care is an industry that is constantly evolving. This video gives an overview of the Aged Care courses offered...
Aged Care is an industry that is constantly evolving. This video gives an overview of the Aged Care courses offered at NMIT.

11 Year Old Genius in College Studying Quantum Physics

At just 11 years old this gifted child genius is already in college studying quantum physics which he says is...
At just 11 years old this gifted child genius is already in college studying quantum physics which he says is 'relaxing' and 'fun'. Great story about a child...

It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with animals: Lesli Bisgould at TEDxUofT

Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. For ten years, she acted for individuals and organizations in...
Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. For ten years, she acted for individuals and organizations in a variety of animal-related cases in the...

EMERGENCY CAPSULE ARCHELON EMERGENCY CAPSULE -- this capsule is designed... ARCHELON EMERGENCY CAPSULE -- this capsule is designed to save and protect people in emergency s...

The Utilization of Western NGOs for the Theft of Africa's Vast Resources

The following in an excerpt from a lecture given by Mallence Bart Williams in 2015 (TEDxBerlin). "One thing that...
The following in an excerpt from a lecture given by Mallence Bart Williams in 2015 (TEDxBerlin). "One thing that keeps me puzzled, despite having studied fin...

Locally-led humanitarian aid: Peter Walker at TEDxLakeGeneva

Humanitarian Strategist Peter Walker With over 25 years of field experience in international humanitarian relief,...
Humanitarian Strategist Peter Walker With over 25 years of field experience in international humanitarian relief, Peter Walker now leads a team of 30 academi...

Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face

Bill McKibben, author and founder of the international environmental campaign, says that a global campaign...
Bill McKibben, author and founder of the international environmental campaign, says that a global campaign to curb climate change, the ecological dev...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality and Discrimination Issues *

a discussion of various Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality and discrimination issues, including...
a discussion of various Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender equality and discrimination issues, including educational and workplace issues, bullying, iden...
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