Growing Hope: Mental Health Solutions for Children, Youth and Families

Por Sherri Mosher en Niños y Jóvenes 1513 views 5th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:03:22
It is not always easy to see the signs of a child's mental health problems. But without treatment, they're more likely to have their symptoms get worse and t...

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The Art of Negotiation

June 2016. This video is from a talk by William Ury at the University of Geneva on the art of negotiation.

International Aid for Disasters - How Sustainable is it?: Michael Alkan at TEDxBGU

Dr. Michael L. Alkan is the former head of the Infectious Diseases Institute at Soroka University Medical Center and...
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What global trade deals are really about (hint: it's not trade) | Haley Edwards | TEDxMidAtlantic

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Russia Second or First | Russia welcomes Trump in his own words | everysecondcounts

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