This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The food systems we use today are no longer able to meet our needs....
The Bis Lamer is a mobile marine education unit dedicated to the sensitisation of marine environmental issues among...
The Bis Lamer is a mobile marine education unit dedicated to the sensitisation of marine environmental issues among the school community and the general publ...
Information is critical to decision-making and planning in a humanitarian response. Decisions must be based on...
Information is critical to decision-making and planning in a humanitarian response. Decisions must be based on reliable data and analysis of the needs of the people that are most affected. This is not easy when access to people affected by the crisis is difficult, when the operating environment is dangerous, and when requests for information are frequent and diverse.
Educated at Oxford and MIT, Dr. Kathleen Troia McFarland is a Fox News analyst who served as a deputy secretary of...
Educated at Oxford and MIT, Dr. Kathleen Troia McFarland is a Fox News analyst who served as a deputy secretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan, a r...
Did you like the video ? For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel: Tidiane Diallo,...
Did you like the video ? For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel: Tidiane Diallo, WaterAid's Regional Technical Adviser in West Afri...
Victoria highlights the impact innovation can have on seemingly unchangeable ideas and how it can improve upon...
Victoria highlights the impact innovation can have on seemingly unchangeable ideas and how it can improve upon existing concepts—expanding on what “building ...