Fighting homelessness, my way: Jamal Mechbal at TEDxDelft

Von Plicatus EN in Obdachlosigkeit & Slums 1605 Aufrufe 13th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:10:55
You think you have it all -- graduated from three different universities, a good job and a great marriage -- and then it all falls apart. Your marriage ends,...

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Priit Tohver, Regional Director, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, Estonia

As part of the Voices of the Region series, Priit Tohver shares his experiences as Regional Director of...
As part of the Voices of the Region series, Priit Tohver shares his experiences as Regional Director of International Federation of Medical Students Associat...

Secrets of My Success -- Importance of Networking

Part of the Secret's of My Success Panel Discussion for young members in Sydney. The panel discuss who they turn to...
Part of the Secret's of My Success Panel Discussion for young members in Sydney. The panel discuss who they turn to for advice in difficult situations and th...

The Cyrus Cylinder

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What if the European Union did not exist? | Arnoldas Pranckevičius | TEDxJBG

Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during...
Arnoldas Pranckevičius gave us a rather controversial speech about the European Union. The experience gained during the years working in the European Comissi...

A scientific defense of spiritual & religious faith | Tony Jack | TEDxCLE

Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony Jack has a BA in Psychology and Philosop...

Akala on Racism Against Blacks in the U.K.

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Akala stopped by VladTV to talk with us about growing up bi-racial in the U.K., the differences between police brutality in the U.S. vs the U.K., and much mu...

Cracking down on corruption in Asia

Wendy Wysong, Washington DC and Hong Kong, explains the difficulties companies face in balancing corruption risk...
Wendy Wysong, Washington DC and Hong Kong, explains the difficulties companies face in balancing corruption risk with business opportunity in Asian countries...

Wikileaks BOMBSHELL Exposes Extent Of Clinton Corruption

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Wikileaks reveals emails that show the depth of the corruption at the Clinton Foundation. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what y...

STAIT Webinar: Information Management Perspectives from the field 27 April 2016.

Information is critical to decision-making and planning in a humanitarian response. Decisions must be based on...
Information is critical to decision-making and planning in a humanitarian response. Decisions must be based on reliable data and analysis of the needs of the people that are most affected. This is not easy when access to people affected by the crisis is difficult, when the operating environment is dangerous, and when requests for information are frequent and diverse.
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