Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara...
Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara Chekmayan. It explored the topic of juvenile p...
Science of the Physical Universe 24: Introduction to Technology and Society -- Venkatesh Narayanamurti (School of...
Science of the Physical Universe 24: Introduction to Technology and Society -- Venkatesh Narayanamurti (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Physics)
There is no longer any doubt: We are entering a mass extinction that threatens humanity's existence. That is the bad...
There is no longer any doubt: We are entering a mass extinction that threatens humanity's existence. That is the bad news at the center of a new study by a g...
Feeding 9 Billion: Turning the Desert Green: Qatar is trying to solve problems for desert people worldwide. But will...
Feeding 9 Billion: Turning the Desert Green: Qatar is trying to solve problems for desert people worldwide. But will the solution work? For downloads and mor...
China introduces Donald Trump to the greatest country in the world with his own words. The video that started it...
China introduces Donald Trump to the greatest country in the world with his own words. The video that started it all:
With a fascination for real-life stories and the power they hold, Andrew Losowsky wants to change who we listen to,...
With a fascination for real-life stories and the power they hold, Andrew Losowsky wants to change who we listen to, and how we listen. About TEDx, x = indepe...
The Japanese government wants more women in management positions, but tradition and a working culture of long hours...
The Japanese government wants more women in management positions, but tradition and a working culture of long hours and long commutes makes it very difficult...
Medical Student Shadee Giurgius, Office Manager of the at the Moataz Giurgius MD, Inc....
Medical Student Shadee Giurgius, Office Manager of the at the Moataz Giurgius MD, Inc. Psychiatric Inc explains Alzheimer's disease. T...
Part Two: Part Three:...
Part Two: Part Three:
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