The Social Responsibility of Education | Lisa Hehenberger | TEDxESADE

Von Plicatus EN in Kommunikation & Medien 1313 Aufrufe 5th April 2018 Video Dauer: 00:16:26

How can we contribute to society through our core competences? How can we have an impact beyond donating money or volunteering? Listen to Dr. Lisa Hehenberger as she talks about her own journey and the potential of venture philanthropy and get inspired to rethink the way you can use your education and expertise to have a greater impact on society. Lisa is a lecturer in Strategy Management at ESADE. She is a renowned expert on venture philanthropy and social impact investment. Lisa is a member of the European Commission's Expert Group on Social Business (GECES) and of the OECD's Social Impact Investment Expert group. Until recently, she was the Research and Policy Director of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA).

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