A project of peace, painted across 50 buildings | eL Seed

Von Henry Turner in Frieden & Sicherheit 1532 Aufrufe 10th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:11:27
eL Seed fuses Arabic calligraphy with graffiti to paint colorful, swirling messages of hope and peace on buildings from Tunisia to Paris. The artist and TED ...

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Homelessness Video with facts and statictics

PSP video for homeless simulation night.

Peru: Neo-liberal Development Projects Spark Social Protests

Social protests grew in numbers and intensity in 2015 in Peru. Since April, campesinos in the Tambo Valley have...
Social protests grew in numbers and intensity in 2015 in Peru. Since April, campesinos in the Tambo Valley have engaged in major and militant mobilizations a...

A smart new business loan for people with no credit | Shivani Siroya

Trust: How do you earn it? Banks use credit scores to determine if you're trustworthy, but there are about 2.5...
Trust: How do you earn it? Banks use credit scores to determine if you're trustworthy, but there are about 2.5 billion people around the world who don't have...

What is NGO? What does NGO mean? NGO meaning, definition, explanation & pronunciation

What is NGO? What does NGO mean? NGO meaning - NGO pronunciation - NGO definition - NGO explanation How to pronounce...
What is NGO? What does NGO mean? NGO meaning - NGO pronunciation - NGO definition - NGO explanation How to pronounce NGO? Source: Wikipedia.org article, adap...

Education for Sustainability | Jaimie Cloud | TEDxWindham

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and...

Jaimie Cloud is passionate about inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. She shares new ideas to create conditions for life-long Education for Sustainability. Please click 'Like', leave a Comment, Subscribe to the TEDx Talks YouTube channel, and SHARE on Facebook. Thank you! Jaimie is the founder of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City, and pioneer in the field of Education for Sustainability (EfS). She writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools around the country and across the world. She has developed exemplary curriculum courses of study, and has produced a set of EfS Standards and Performance Indicators that schools are using to innovate their own curricula to educate for sustainability.


Qatar's Ambitious Plan to Turn the Desert Green

Feeding 9 Billion: Turning the Desert Green: Qatar is trying to solve problems for desert people worldwide. But will...
Feeding 9 Billion: Turning the Desert Green: Qatar is trying to solve problems for desert people worldwide. But will the solution work? For downloads and mor...

The urban agriculture revolution | David Gingera | TEDxManitoba

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The food systems we use...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The food systems we use today are no longer able to meet our needs....

The Power Of Self Acceptance - How To Stop Beating Yourself Up

Self Acceptance - A guided visualization to help you stop hating yourself and practice unconditional self love. The...
Self Acceptance - A guided visualization to help you stop hating yourself and practice unconditional self love. The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create You...

Digital Humanitarian Network

Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer...
Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer technical communities and the traditional humanitarian response organizations, highlighting the collaboration framework for how to work with the V&TC community
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