This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The ways in which we watch and understand media are changing faster...
Deep in the Himalayas, on the border between China and India, lies the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has pledged to...
Deep in the Himalayas, on the border between China and India, lies the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has pledged to remain carbon neutral for all time. In this il...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on YouTube now for more:
In recent years, buildings have grown taller and cities grander, but one thing that seems to have fallen to the...
In recent years, buildings have grown taller and cities grander, but one thing that seems to have fallen to the bottom of constructrion priorities is environ...
Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im...
Die Bundeswehr hat sich mit neuen Hubschraubern verstärkt. Sie sollen vor allem dazu beitragen, dass Geiseln im Ausland besser befreit und Spezialkräfte zu i...
Why does everybody wants to reach the top? Jeroen van Baar explains in a very open and engaging way about the...
Why does everybody wants to reach the top? Jeroen van Baar explains in a very open and engaging way about the problem of our generation. He argues that we sh...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Chris Grundner is the...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Chris Grundner is the president and CEO of the Delaware Alliance fo...
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