TV executive Lauren Zalaznick thinks deeply about pop television. Sharing results of a bold study that tracks attitudes against TV ratings...
In her talk, Lilia Brooker effectively connects the issues facing the Palestinian people, their contributions to the...
In her talk, Lilia Brooker effectively connects the issues facing the Palestinian people, their contributions to the world, and the personal qualities and re...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world falling just behind japan. The economy of Germany is so interesting not just because of its size though but more because of it’s tenuous and surprisingly short history.
What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter...
What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter which sport, character development with emp...
To discover more about how to heal, influence and persuade visit and receive my...
To discover more about how to heal, influence and persuade visit and receive my free course: The Forbidden Secrets of Con...
The intermodal container changed our world. We would never have the interconnected and global economy of today...
The intermodal container changed our world. We would never have the interconnected and global economy of today without Malcolm McLean and his system of conta...
"PMR" is an NGO in Delhi/India who supports homeless people as well as people living in Slums. Dr.Dr. Parasher leads...
"PMR" is an NGO in Delhi/India who supports homeless people as well as people living in Slums. Dr.Dr. Parasher leads you through the project and the slums. F...
Update [10/18/15]: Finalist Update [11/03/15]: 3rd Place Winner of Experimental Environment Festival Actors pretend...
Update [10/18/15]: Finalist Update [11/03/15]: 3rd Place Winner of Experimental Environment Festival Actors pretend for a living, politicians do not. Take yo...
Is the War on Drugs doing more harm than good? In a bold talk, drug policy reformist Ethan Nadelmann makes an...
Is the War on Drugs doing more harm than good? In a bold talk, drug policy reformist Ethan Nadelmann makes an impassioned plea to end the "backward, heartles...
Pope Francis flew out of Rome on Wednesday, bound for Kenya on the first leg of a landmark trip to Africa, where...
Pope Francis flew out of Rome on Wednesday, bound for Kenya on the first leg of a landmark trip to Africa, where growth, falling poverty levels and foreign i...
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